Registration and promotion of cultural heritage in the Full Time School (EMTI): an experience report


  • Cássio Silva Castanheira Escola Estadual Benjamim Guimarães



Heritage Education, Culture, Teaching


This work aims to reflect on a practice of registration and promotion of the cultural heritage of the city of Bom Sucesso-MG at the Antônio Carlos de Carvalho State School. The practice on which we reflect here is a workshop promoted by Scientia Scientific Consulting that sought to train the students of the Full-Time High School of the Antônio Carlos de Carvalho State School.In this workshop, the students recorded spaces of memory that reveal narratives about the past of the municipality and presented their works to the school community, there was also a debate where it was possible to perceive feelings of belonging to the community and appropriation of local historical knowledge. In this debate the students also talked about attitudes that can be taken for the preservation of the cultural heritage of the city.


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How to Cite

Castanheira, C. S. (2023). Registration and promotion of cultural heritage in the Full Time School (EMTI): an experience report. ETS EDUCARE - Revista De Educação E Ensino, 1(1), 20–32.


