Theory of History: the positivist influences within the HGPT/ET discipline and it´s problems
Positivism; History; Petrópolis.Abstract
This article aims to relate the use of the positivist current with the teaching/learning of the HGPT/ET discipline in the classroom. Specifically, through the analysis discussion, we consider how this paradigm develops and becomes rooted in the highlighted discipline, its characteristics, how it understands history, and consequently, how it influences the teaching of the subject. We will also question Positivism itself, highlighting its trajectory, discourses, methodologies both for teaching historical content and for knowledge production, as well as its discourses, ideas, thoughts, and ideals. Moreover, through these points, we aim to demonstrate and make it clear why this current has fallen out of use in historiography and contemporary society over time, but also to confirm that, despite the discontinuity, this current still projects its ideals to this day in various segments and areas. We intend to highlight how it still manifests itself through certain aspects, themes, concepts, and proposals of this discipline and its pedagogical materials. Therefore, this work aims to bring forth the main influences and their problems surrounding the issue.
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