Quality of life and meaning in life: a study with undergraduate students
Higher Education, Quality of life, Meaning in life, LogotherapyAbstract
The aim of this study was to evaluate the levels of quality of life (QOL) and meaning in life (MIL), in a sample of undergraduate students and to observe if the two constructs have a correlative relation. The transversal and descriptive study included 117 students averaging 24 years old (SD = 6,17, variation = 18-47). There was a high incidence of participants of female sex (75,2%) and from psychology students (74,4%). The physical and psychological domains were rated the best and worst, respectively. Most participants (62%; n=73) are in the group of those who scored lower than expected in the presence of meaning dimension. There was a strong positive correlation (ρ=0.62) between the presence of meaning and the psychological domain, in other words, the higher the levels of presence of meaning, the better the levels of quality of life in the psychological domain. The results suggest that the presence of meaning is an important psychological construct for QoL, and that it can be an aid in the academic trajectory of undergraduates. It is important to undertake research involving the psychological construct of meaning in life, especially in populations such as the one in this study, since young people are a vulnerable part of society.
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