The contributions of curriculum theory to curricular reflection in history teaching


  • Leonardo Augusto dos Santos Costa Universidade Católica de Petrópolis - Brasil



Curriculum, BNCC, History


This paper proposes a general overview and analysis of the trajectory of the History curriculum in Brazil, from its origins to contemporary times, focusing on the influence of the National Common Curricular Base (“NCCB”- BNCC in Portuguese). The History subject plays a crucial role in legitimizing discourses, in the formation of identities and in the configuration of mentalities, thus configuring itself as a focus in power disputes in the construction of a curricular parameter. The comparative analysis between the initial moments of a (“proto”) Brazilian History curriculum and its current configuration, guided by the principles of the BNCC, uses concepts from curriculum theory, highlighting traditional, critical and post-critical approaches, emphasizing the importance of discourse, power and identity in curriculum formulation. Firstly, a reflection will be made on the initial clashes present in the first attempts at curricular configuration in Brazil, focusing on the disputes between approaches such as Sacred History and Secular History, demonstrating the role of the dominant discourse in the instrumentalization of History teaching. Afterwards, a discussion will be established on the current state of the History curriculum, with the object of analysis being the process of formulation and consolidation of the BNCC, focusing on contemporary changes and challenges, exploring the persistent influence of mnemonic positivism in History teaching and examining the different versions of the document until reaching its final version. The importance of political disputes in the curricular configuration stands out, especially in the context of the BNCC, whose versions went through significant and contrasting transformations, highlighting the complexities in the choice of historical content. This study contributes to a critical understanding of the trajectory of the History curriculum in Brazil, emphasizing the need to consider the influences of discourse, power and identity in curriculum formulation, providing questioning and problematization about what is at stake when formulating a curriculum, presenting the challenges and opportunities in the current scenario of History teaching in the country.


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How to Cite

Costa, L. A. dos S. (2023). The contributions of curriculum theory to curricular reflection in history teaching. ETS EDUCARE - Revista De Educação E Ensino, 1(1), 136–148.


