Countryside education: Challenges and possibilities in promoting children's protagonism in the early years of elementary school


  • Jaqueline de Andrade Secretaria de Educação do Estado de São Paulo



Child Protagonism. Rural Education. Challenges and Possibilities.


This article aims to present rural education and it has a different reality than what exists in the city, therefore the content used in a rural school must be in accordance with this reality and guarantee everyone the right to education. In this article, we seek to understand the challenges and opportunities of early childhood teaching practice in a rural school. The curricular guidelines, as a justification, stipulate that early childhood education and the first years of primary education are offered in rural communities themselves, thus avoiding nucleation in urban schools and the displacement of children and adolescents to urban centers. The rural school must break with its physical structures, overcome the walls and make the subject see different forms of reality, prioritize everyday experiences, strengthen common sense and transform this education into a true rural education. The methodology of the work is qualitative and bibliographic, providing significant information to the reader.


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How to Cite

Andrade, J. de. (2024). Countryside education: Challenges and possibilities in promoting children’s protagonism in the early years of elementary school. ETS EDUCARE - Revista De Educação E Ensino, 2(2), 148–164.


