Global History as a means of diversifying taught History in Basic Education in Brazil


  • Daniel Rodrigues de Lima Universidade Federal do Amazonas - Brasil
  • Cristiane Carvalho Gomes Universidade Federal do Amazonas - Brasil



Global History, Teaching History, BNCC


The idea is to promote a discussion on how Global History can be used as a perspective and methodology for Teaching History. In doing so, the aim is to go beyond the guidelines of the BNCC, which presents a Eurocentric and nationalist view of History. In this sense, we will conduct a literature review and engage in a brief discussion about the BNCC. It is believed that Global History can broaden and invigorate discussions within History education in Basic Education.


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How to Cite

Lima, D. R. de, & Gomes, C. C. (2024). Global History as a means of diversifying taught History in Basic Education in Brazil. ETS HUMANITAS - Revista De Ciências Humanas, 2(2), 31–56.


