Exploring the integration of programming and electronics: a case study on the traffic light with Arduino


  • Thiago Phelippe Abbeg Colégio Passionista Nossa Senhora do Rosário - PR




Arduino, Schedule, Teaching


This article delves into a transformative pedagogical initiative designed to offer elementary and high school students a hands-on introduction to programming and electronics concepts. At the heart of this educational endeavor is the utilization of the Arduino platform as a central tool to engage and empower students. The overarching project involves the construction of a functional traffic light system that simulates the intricate workings of a road intersection. By immersing students in the practical application of programming and electronics through the creation of a tangible project, the pedagogical experience has proven to be exceptionally effective. One of the notable outcomes is the heightened interest in technology among the participating students. This initiative goes beyond traditional teaching methods, aiming to captivate young minds through experiential learning. The collaborative nature of the project fosters an environment conducive to shared knowledge and cooperative problem-solving. Students actively engage with one another, working together to overcome challenges and master the intricacies of both programming and electronics. This collaborative learning approach not only enhances teamwork skills but also reinforces the understanding of fundamental principles. Through the use of the Arduino platform, students gain practical insights into the world of scheduling and programming. This hands-on experience equips them with valuable skills that extend beyond the immediate context of the traffic light project. The intersection of theory and application facilitates a deeper comprehension of essential programming and electronics principles.


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How to Cite

Abbeg, T. P. (2023). Exploring the integration of programming and electronics: a case study on the traffic light with Arduino. ETS SCIENTIA - Revista Interdisciplinar, 1(1), 17–37. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10278867


