Reform of brazilian education and federal law nº 5.692/1971
Law, Remodeling, CurriculumAbstract
Research on Federal Law No. 5692/1971, which establishes guidelines and bases for teaching in the 1st and 2nd grades, reveals important repercussions in early childhood education, elementary education, secondary education and technical-professional education. The legislation, enacted on August 11, 1971, represented a milestone in the restructuring of Brazilian education, seeking to adapt to the demands of society in transformation at the time. In early childhood education, it instituted the creation of the Integrated Public Education Centers (CIEPs), which aimed to offer a more comprehensive educational training to children of preschool age. These centers sought not only to promote basic education, but also to provide access to cultural, sports and social assistance activities, aiming at the integral development of students. In elementary education, legislation established the organization of the curriculum in cycles, with the aim of overcoming the traditional serial model. This change implied a reconfiguration of the school structure, with greater flexibility in the progression of students, allowing students to advance according to their capabilities and learning pace. In addition, the law emphasized the need for general and humanistic training, with an emphasis on developing essential skills and competencies for citizenship. In high school, it established a curriculum reorganization with the proposal to promote a more comprehensive and in-depth training. The curriculum was divided into three areas of knowledge: Physical and Biological Sciences, Human Sciences and Natural Sciences, with the aim of expanding students' access to different fields of knowledge and promoting a more critical and reflective education. In technical-professional education, the legislation sought to integrate professional training with regular education, in order to promote the qualification of labor for the demands of the labor market. Technical and vocational schools were created, with courses aimed at different areas, such as agriculture, industry and commerce, with a view to qualifying students to carry out specific activities. Its guidelines impacted the curriculum structure, school organization and student training, seeking to meet society's needs and promote a more inclusive, comprehensive and adequate education for the challenges of the time. The legacy of this legislation is still present in Brazilian education, and its analysis offers important insights for understanding the development of the country's educational system.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Ana Valeria Abbeg, Leticia Trzaskos, Valter Andre Jonathan Osvaldo Abbeg
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