Challenges and impacts of artificial intelligence in e-commerce: a multidimensional analysis


  • Isis Terezinha Santos de Santana Logos University International (UniLogos)



Artificial Intelligence. Ethical Impacts. Cyber Security. Risks and Impacts.


The aim of the research is to assess the negative impacts, risks and challenges associated with the adoption of artificial intelligence in e-commerce and to explore how companies and regulators can address these issues ethically and effectively. The main research strategy adopted in this study is descriptive research, with a case study approach. The research participants are professionals from the e-commerce sector, selected using criteria that include age over 18 and working in e-commerce, covering a diversity of occupations, levels of experience, gender and age. The main results of the study highlight three main categories of impacts and challenges associated with the integration of artificial intelligence in e-commerce: Social and Ethical Impacts, which include concerns about unemployment, algorithmic bias, and the massive collection of personal data; Cyber Security, highlighting the vulnerability of consumer data due to the collection and sharing of information, as well as transparency issues; and economic and commercial challenges, such as the concentration of power in large e-commerce companies and the loss of human interactions due to increasing automation.


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How to Cite

Santana, I. T. S. de. (2024). Challenges and impacts of artificial intelligence in e-commerce: a multidimensional analysis. ETS SCIENTIA - Revista Interdisciplinar, 2(2), 1–24.


