The democratic theories of Dahl and Raws for resolving conflicts in the Middle East, a theoretical arrangement Possible?


  • André Luiz Oliveira Guimarães Pitaluga Universidade Federal de Goiás



Democracy, Dahl, Raws, Middle Eastern, Arab Spring


Within contemporary political theory realizes that democracy is a key for understanding the reality of the current element. Robert Dahl offers in his explanatory theory to understand what are democracy and the democratization process parameters. John Raws turn offers a realistic alternative to the model of international politics, thinking about democracy as an element of stabilization of the international environment. In contemporary international politics the Middle East stands as a constant region of outbreak of conflicts, and has a number of different schemes. The objective of this study is to observe whether or not democracy is a key to understanding the conflicts there and installed a key to solving them.


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How to Cite

Pitaluga, A. L. O. G. (2023). The democratic theories of Dahl and Raws for resolving conflicts in the Middle East, a theoretical arrangement Possible?. ETS HUMANITAS - Revista De Ciências Humanas, 1(1), 183–218.


