Territorial development of tourism in the interior of Rio Grande do Norte


  • Jose Wedson Rodrigues da Silva Unicesumar




Tourism activity, Tourism regionalization, Religious tourism


This article portrays tourism activity as the main theme as a potential for territorial development in the Agreste/Trairí Pole (RN). A problem found permeates the limited actions and public policies for the improvement of accesses, implementing an appropriate tourist signage. The central hypothesis is an improvement of infrastructure with territorial development. For a broader view of the article, it was divided into five topics: (a) a short introduction, (b) an outline of territory and local development; (c) a commentary on religious tourism, (d) ecotourism or nature tourism, (e) presentation of the final considerations. The expected result with this research is to demonstrate that tourism activity can be a foundation for territorial development in the interior of Rio Grande do Norte.


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How to Cite

Silva, J. W. R. da. (2023). Territorial development of tourism in the interior of Rio Grande do Norte. ETS HUMANITAS - Revista De Ciências Humanas, 1(1), 27–43. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8278031


