Critical evaluation of Mathematical Modeling in Early Childhood Education


  • Ana Valeria Abbeg Secretaria Municipal de Educação de Pinhais - PR



Mathematical Modeling, Early Childhood Education, Interdisciplinarity


This article presents a critical evaluation of the application of mathematical modeling in Early Childhood Education, focusing on children aged 5 and 6. The qualitative research was carried out in a full-time public school in the city of Pinhais-PR, using the theme of dinosaurs to engage children. The methodology followed the steps proposed by Burak (2010) and included activities such as storytelling, reading books and videos. The results indicated that mathematical modeling promoted interaction, creativity, autonomy and interdisciplinarity among children. The activities allowed children to develop critical and collaborative skills, highlighting the importance of teacher mediation in the process. The research points to the need for more studies to explore the potential and challenges of this approach in Early Childhood Education.


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How to Cite

Abbeg, A. V. (2024). Critical evaluation of Mathematical Modeling in Early Childhood Education. ETS FACERE - Revista De Tecnologia E Conhecimento, 2(2), 28–38.


