Life project and analysis of personal development: constituting a triad of knowledge
Life, BNCC, AutonomyAbstract
This academic summary discusses the intersection between the Life Project, the National Common Curricular Base (BNCC) and the triad composed of opportunity, condition and knowledge. The Life Project emerges as a crucial element in contemporary educational training, aiming to qualify students for the conscious and planned construction of their personal and professional trajectories. The BNCC, in turn, offers a set of guidelines that guide basic education in Brazil, seeking to integrate knowledge, skills and essential values for the integral development of individuals. The triad opportunity, condition and knowledge is explored as a comprehensive approach to the analysis of the Life Project, in which historical opportunities, relationship networks and acquired knowledge are intertwined in the construction of individual paths. The connection between the Life Project and social and educational relations is evidenced in the general competences, which propose the formation of autonomous, critical and responsible citizens. In this context, reflection on the Life Project aligned with the BNCC reveals itself as an enriching educational path, capable of enhancing the formation of individuals prepared to face the challenges of a society in constant transformation.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Ana Cecilia Nicareta Santos, Valter Andre Jonathan Osvaldo Abbeg
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