Editorial Team

Editorial Team

  • Ana Valeria Abbeg (Lattes)
  • Lilian Cristina Nicareta (Lattes)
  • Mirian Vieira Teixeira (Lattes)
  • Nikolas Corrent (Lattes)
  • Rhian Vilar da Silva Vieira (Lattes)
  • Samara Elisana Nicareta (Doutora - Lattes)
  • Thiago Phelippe Abbeg (Mestre - Lattes)
  • Valter Andre Jonathan Osvaldo Abbeg (Doutorando - Lattes)

Publication in continuous flow in the form of a half-yearly issue and annual volume. Come and be part of the Board of Reviewers, Reviewers and Evaluators, check the current Notice: Notice No. 04/2023

Form: https://forms.gle/3Yjzp9N1UD2hxvUU8