State technologies: the beginning of a long historical debate about governmental structures


  • Jose Carlos Bernardes Universidad de La Empresa (UY)
  • Valter Andre Jonathan Osvaldo Abbeg Universidad San Carlos - PY



Technology, Law, Speech


This text addresses the topic of "State technologies" as fundamental elements in the functioning of governmental power, focusing on how these technologies materialize through the creation of institutions, laws and political discourses. Historical analysis of government structures is used to understand the broad social impact and dynamics of state intervention. In the complex political scenario, the creation of state institutions plays a preponderant role in the configuration of public policies, influencing the organization of the state public sphere. State technologies establish mechanisms of governance and social control, determining forms of organization, administrative procedures and channels of representation and participation. Parliaments, courts, regulatory bodies and government agencies are examples of institutions that play vital roles in deliberating, monitoring and implementing public policy. The enactment of laws assumes an essential role in State technologies, being the normative foundation of society. By establishing rules, rights, duties and punishments, laws confer legitimacy to State actions, seeking to establish social order and political cohesion. The role of political discourses as state technologies is highlighted. Through political rhetoric, government agents seek to persuade and influence public opinion in order to obtain support and consent for their initiatives. Speeches given by political leaders shape conceptions and ideologies, creating consensus or dissent, and affecting the course of political decisions and power relations. It is important to highlight that State technologies are intrinsically complex, with dynamic application and effect and sensitive to the historical and cultural context. Understanding the rise of Rome and the Roman Empire as an example of the use of specific State technologies, these are repeatedly used by the State even in its modern configuration, reaching elements of bureaucracy and aspects of violence control and ideological reproduction. In this way, each historical period and culture shapes and reconfigures these technologies, adapting them to the demands and aspirations of society and political actors. State technologies are constantly evolving elements, reflecting the dynamics of power relations and social needs.


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How to Cite

Bernardes, J. C., & Abbeg, V. A. J. O. (2023). State technologies: the beginning of a long historical debate about governmental structures. ETS FACERE - Revista De Tecnologia E Conhecimento, 1(1), 001–020.


