Impact of deltamethrin on Na+K+-ATPase activity in different tissues of Ancistrus multispinnis


  • Lilian Cristina Nicareta



Deltamethrin, Ecotoxicology, Biomonitoring


This study investigates the impact of sublethal exposure to deltamethrin on the activity of the Na+K+-ATPase enzyme in different tissues of Ancistrus multispinnis. Deltamethrin is a widely used type II pyrethroid insecticide that has high toxicity to aquatic organisms. Fish of the species Ancistrus multispinnis were exposed to sublethal doses of 3 and 4 mg/kg of deltamethrin, administered intracoelomatically. After 96 hours of exposure, samples of gills, esophagus, heart and brain were collected for analysis of Na+K+-ATPase activity. The results showed a significant inhibition of enzyme activity in the gills, esophagus, heart and brain, with the greatest inhibition observed at the dose of 4 mg/kg. These findings suggest that deltamethrin interferes with ionic transport and cellular homeostasis, compromising critical physiological functions. Understanding these effects is essential for evaluating the ecological risks associated with the use of deltamethrin in aquatic environments and for developing environmental biomonitoring strategies.


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How to Cite

Nicareta, L. C. (2023). Impact of deltamethrin on Na+K+-ATPase activity in different tissues of Ancistrus multispinnis. ETS FACERE - Revista De Tecnologia E Conhecimento, 1(1), 40–48.


